Brighton rocks

I’m ready to have a chat to my local council mayor. Here’s a fantastic story from the UK, where a local council has banded together with community and local groups to offer blanket wireless internet access, using the new WiMax super wireless internet standard.

“Want to see the future? Go to Brighton, where it is being created through a blend of anarchy and civic pride. A partnership between the free Wi-Fi movement and the local council has now delivered wireless broadband via a new WiMax service.”

“Almost the whole of Brighton is now blanketed by a wireless internet service that delivers data faster than broadband. It carries public sector, commercial and educational traffic – another first for the city. Schools have multi-megabits of data, businesses get the equivalent of high-speed leased lines, students have fast data in their dorms, and everyone gets free Wi-Fi in pubs and cafes.”,3605,1506911,00.html


Yahoo searches subscription sites

Here’s one we at Arts Hub need to keep an eye on. One of the big problems running a paid subscription service is that so much of our content is ‘hiding’ behind a log in. And because of that, it is difficult for the search engines to index those pages. There are numerous tricks to try and alleviate the problem, some of which we use at Arts Hub.

But now Yahoo’s come up with a service which might offer more hope.

The Yahoo! Search Subscriptions service allows users to search multiple online subscription content sources and the web from a single search box.,7204,15640491%5E15318%5E%5Enbv%5E15306,00.html

I’ve filled out the form where publishers suggest their sites for inclusion on the Yahoo service. We’ll see if anyone calls!

‘Misleading’ links dropped

This one’s going to come up time and time again – and I believe has already been an issue in Europe – companies buying pay per click ads on search engines, using keywords relating to competitors.

“Stickybeek said the Trading Post had used a sponsored link to the Stickybeek name on the Google website, ensuring that a link to the Trading Post’s autotrader website appeared next to the results of a search for the term Stickybeek.”

Presumably Trading Post bought keywords like ‘Stickbeek’.

Google lost a court action in France earlier this year. Google accepted ads from a travel company, who bought keywords relating to rival travel companies.

“Under French law, the practice of responding to an Internet search for one company’s products with information about those of another manufacturer is considered akin to counterfeiting. “

Hackers bombard UK financial networks

At the same time as I was reading about Mastercard’s woes with their card numbers, this story was on the Financial Times. The British Government is saying that nearly 300 government departments and businesses are under constant sophisticated electronic attack, and have been for several months.

“We have never seen anything like this in terms of the industrial scale of this series of attacks,” said Roger Cumming, director of NISCC, which protects critical infrastructure from electronic threats.

“This is not a few hackers sitting in their bedrooms trying to steal bank account details from individuals. This is aimed at organisations, targeted at gaining information and is extremely well organised and well structured.”

Credit card breach exposes 40 million accounts

In what could be the largest data security breach to date, MasterCard International on Friday said information on more than 40 million credit cards may have been stolen.

This is a biggie, and it appears to be just one in a series of large incidents in recent times:

“In past months, data leaks have been reported by Bank of America and Wachovia, data brokers ChoicePoint and LexisNexis, and the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University. “

Wikis, Weblogs and RSS: What Does the New Internet Mean for Business?

Wikis, blogs and RSS feeds are relatively simple tools that will have a huge impact on the way people — and companies — communicate and do business. So how is the Internet changing? How can companies seek to understand the technological effects of these changes? And what cultural adaptations should companies make to capture value from these new tools?