Click The Vote

A great article from BusinessWeek Online looking at the enthusiam of political campaigns for the internet, for everything from fundraising to organising rallies.

“In three weeks in February, a Washington political consultant named John Aravosis gathered 20,000 supporters and raised more than $23,000 for a campaign against the proposed Constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage. “You have to decide how to use the Internet to drive [the] candidate [you’re targeting] crazy,” he says.”

Presidential Candidate Howard Dean set the trend, with a very successful online strategy which raised millions. And now John Kerry, another prominent candidate is aping the approach, at one stage raising $US1 million a day.

Download Brands Consumers Can Trust

A good article in the Guardian, making the point that the main obstacle to people buying music downloads is probably the lack of a trusted brand in the marketplace – and it is this, rather than the threat of legal action by the music industry, which promotes illegal downloads. This makes a lot of sense. It’s a bit like the appalling attempts at anti-drug campaigns by the Australian government.

Telling a teenager to stop doing something because it’s bad, is like holding a red rag in front of a bull. But look at the way teens affiliated themselves with ‘cool’ brands, from $300 sports shoes to the latest mobile phone. The arrival of trusted brands like Apple (which is saying it’s selling a million tracks a week from its USA iTunes web site), and announcements from companies like McDonalds and Wal Mart that they too are embarking on paid download music businesses, and it’s easy to see how the current 8% of music downloaders who do pay, will inevitably increase.

Spanish SMS

SMS was extensively used to reach thousands of people and encourage them to gather for the huge protests in Spain the other day.

“It was a political extension of the phenomenon nicknamed “smart mobs” by American author Howard Reingold – and it’s happened before. In the Philippines, text messages helped whip up public opinion and led to widespread protests, which ended in the eventual toppling of the president, Joseph Estrada, in 2001. The day after suffering their own impromptu smart mobs, the Spanish government was defeated at the polls. “

Indeed, it’s widely believed the protests had a major impact on the election result, and thus SMS can share part of the credit for the outcome.

Spam Hits Email Use

A new survey in the USA “has found that 29 percent have reduced their overall use of email due to the abundance of spam while 63 percent say the flood of spam has made them less trusting of email in general. “

Many people found spam devalued their internet experience, with 86% reporting “some level of distress with spam”

The Can-Spam anti-spam legislation seems to have had little or no effect, with some email users saying things are getting worse, not better, although some say they are receiving less porn spam.

Spam Hits Email Use

A new survey in the USA “has found that 29 percent have reduced their overall use of email due to the abundance of spam while 63 percent say the flood of spam has made them less trusting of email in general. “

Many people found spam devalued their internet experience, with 86% reporting “some level of distress with spam”

The Can-Spam anti-spam legislation seems to have had little or no effect, with some email users saying things are getting worse, not better, although some say they are receiving less porn spam.