Using grunt-prompt with grunt-git

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I’ve become a big fan of Grunt in recent months, and now have all my current main projects set up with Grunt for linting, minifying, revving, pushing to Git etc. It means I have a nice smooth build and deployment pathway, and saves me heaps of time.

I’m using grunt-git to push to Github, and started with a default commit message along the lines:

gitcommit: {
   'src-master': {
       options: {
          verbose: true,
          message: 'Commit src-master <%="isoDateTime") %> \n',
          noVerify: true,
          noStatus: false,
       files: {
          src: ['.']

But that’s not much use because it means I’m not adding my own commit message describing whatever it is I’ve just changed. Nor do I have any outlet for frustration and thus no chance of making it onto

So then I came across grunt-prompt, which does just what you expect, it creates a prompt as part of your tasks so you can input something. Then everything came together nicely:

// prompt for a commit message
 prompt: {
    commit: {
       options: {
          questions: [{
                     config: 'gitmessage',
                     type: 'input',
                     message: 'Commit Message'
// commit changes to github
gitcommit: {
   'src-master': {
       options: {
          verbose: true,
          message: '<%=grunt.config("gitmessage")%>',
          noVerify: true,
          noStatus: false,
       files: {
          src: ['.']